In our final term, Primary 6 are excited to improve in all areas of their learning. In our Maths lessons we will learn to measure angles, use a compass, interpret maps and widen our mathematical vocabulary. Additionally we will continue to develop part-whole understanding and skills in Numeracy.
In Literacy we are excited to continue our reading groups and develop our core comprehension strategies. This term there will be a focus on inference and making connections between texts and our real lives. In Writing we will tackle a variety of genres, with a focus on creative storytelling – linking to our Topic.
Our Topic this term is Ancient Greece. So far, Primary 6 has shown a great interest in the theme and made suggestions of where to guide our learning. We are learning about Greek Gods, the start of democracy, culture and arts, and much more!
Primary 6 will have P.E. on Mondays and Thursday this term. Please ensure suitable footwear is worn on these days.