P3 Updates

This term in P3 our topic is ‘Keeping ourselves healthy and safe’ and within this we
will be covering topics such as looking after plants and animals, people who help
us, friends and friendship and personal health.

Within Literacy we will be learning how to write instructions, as well as practicing our skills at verbally giving instructions and how to following instructions.

In Numeracy we will be focussing on different strategies to solve multiplication and division problems and our maths focus will be money, specifically looking at recognising notes and coins up to £10 and doing payment calculations within £1.

We will continue to do P.E. twice a week, on Mondays and Thursdays. Please can learners bring gym trainers on these days.


P3 had an amazing time at the Edinburgh Science Festival! Thanks to Mr Castillo for organising the trip and to our adult helpers who came along!

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