This term in P3 our topic is ‘Space’ and we will be exploring the earth, moon and planets within our solar system. We will also research famous astronauts and create a timeline for time travel. Our art, music and drama for this session will all be inspired by this topic. Within literacy we will be learning how to write personal and factual recounts, and each learner will also have the opportunity to present a personal talk to the rest of the class. In numeracy we will be focussing on fractions, and we will continue to consolidate our knowledge of numbers as well as strengthen our strategies to solve addition, subtraction, multiplication and division problems. Our focus for maths this term will be measure and data handling. We will continue to do gym twice a week, on Mondays and Thursdays. Please can learners bring gym trainers on these days.
P3 had an amazing time at the Edinburgh Science Festival last term! Thanks to Mr Castillo for organising the trip and to our adult helpers who came along!